Wiele czołowych firm światowych z sektora medycznego, finansowego i firm technologicznych wybralo Irlandię jako miejsce dla swojej działalności. Wpływa na to wiele czynnikow takich jak połączenie...
Am I entitled to a medical card for myself and my family?
I have become unemployed. My husband works part time. We have 2 school aged children, and have some savings. Am I entitled to a medical...
Am I entitled to redundancy and if so how do I go about applying?
I have been working for a company for 6 years however we have been informed that the business is closing permanently. Am I entitled to...
Mediation or litigation
People are the key to organisational success. Negative conflict between individuals can severely hamper an organisation’s drive for competitive advantage and damage employee well-being. Conflict...
Considering Ireland as a business destination?
Many of the world’s leading financial services, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and technology companies have chosen Ireland as a business destination. A globally recognized combination of highly...