I have become unemployed. My husband works part time. We have 2 school aged children, and have some savings. Am I entitled to a medical...
Am I entitled to redundancy and if so how do I go about applying?
I have been working for a company for 6 years however we have been informed that the business is closing permanently. Am I entitled to...
Mediation or litigation
People are the key to organisational success. Negative conflict between individuals can severely hamper an organisation’s drive for competitive advantage and damage employee well-being. Conflict...
Considering Ireland as a business destination?
Many of the world’s leading financial services, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and technology companies have chosen Ireland as a business destination. A globally recognized combination of highly...
Breaking News
Barbara Lesniak, director of Ctas, is the finalist of the Network Galway Businesswoman of the year 2013 Award in the New Business category. Network Galway,...